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where to keep the spare buttons

When you buy jackets, shirts, pants and PJs, you get the spare buttons with them. When you need them, you want them right away, right? But sometimes you have to look for them when you need them, right again? So, where should you keep the buttons? I used to keep them in a tin which was used for tea. But if you keep the buttons separately from the clothes, even after you throw away the clothes, only the buttons could remain in the tin like forever. I found out this didn't work. Now I keep them on the tag which are attached to the clothes. The tag which tells you how to take care of the clothes or what materials are used to make the clothes. When I get some clothes which has some spare buttons, I put them on the tag straight away. But only when I get PJs, I put it on the bottom of the other buttons as if there is another button hole on the other side. Actually, there is not button hole on the other side of it. But if you put it there, when you sleep, you won't be bothered by it. I hope you like this idea.

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